User guides

This section presents various guides on how to use Fuzz Introspector. The guides are rooted in real-world examples and real problems, and the user guides focus on presenting fuzzing-relevant problems followed with how Fuzz Introspector can be used to help.

This section can also be used as a general reference on various approaches to fuzzing software, and if you have suggestions on heuristics that would be nice to have support for in Fuzz Introspector, then we welcome suggestions by way of Github:

Many of the guides use real-world open source projects integrated into OSS-Fuzz as reference examples. The guides do this either by referencing a publicly available Fuzz Introspector report, or, by using the OSS-Fuzz infrastructure to generate reports. This is for two reasons. First, OSS-Fuzz has a myriad of important open source projects that already use Fuzz Introspector, which provides a great data set. Second, OSS-Fuzz has implemented an interface to Fuzz Introspector that is straightforward to install and set up. For details on this, please see Running introspector on an OSS-Fuzz project.