
Clone latest Fuzz Introspector and create virtual environment

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd fuzz-introspector
python3 -m virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

At this point you can test Fuzz Introspector with different frontends depending on the type of language you want to analyse:


Fuzz-introspector relies on an LTO LLVM pass and this requires us to build a custom Clang where the LTO pass is part of the compiler tool chain. Additionally, we rely on the Gold linker, which means we need to build this too, which comes as part of the binutils project. The next step is, therefore, to do to this:

mkdir build
cd build

# Build binutils
apt install texinfo
git clone --depth 1 git:// binutils
mkdir build
cd ./build
../binutils/configure --enable-gold --enable-plugins --disable-werror
make all-gold
cd ../

# Build LLVM and Clang
git clone
cd llvm-project/
git checkout release/15.x

# Patch Clang to run fuzz introspector
cp -rf ../../frontends/llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/FuzzIntrospector/ \
cp -rf ../../frontends/llvm/lib/Transforms/FuzzIntrospector \
cd ../

# Build LLVM and clang
mkdir llvm-build
cd llvm-build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;compiler-rt"  \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
      -DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=../binutils/include \
      -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="X86" ../llvm-project/llvm/
make llvm-headers

We now have the LLVM frontend build and this will be used to extract data about the software we analyse.

Option 1: only static analysis

Build a test case

# From the root of the fuzz-introspector repository
cd tests/simple-example-0

# Run compiler pass to generate *.data and *.data.yaml files
mkdir work
cd work
FUZZ_INTROSPECTOR=1 ../../../build/llvm-build/bin/clang -fsanitize=fuzzer \
  -fuse-ld=gold -flto -g ../fuzzer.c -o fuzzer

# Run post-processing to analyse data files and generate HTML report
python3 ../../../src/ correlate --binaries_dir=.
python3 ../../../src/ report \
  --target_dir=. \

# The post-processing will have generated various .html, .js, .css and .png fies,
# and these are accessible in the current folder. Simply start a webserver and
# navigate to the report in your local browser (localhost:8008):
python3 -m http.server 8008

Option 2: include runtime code coverage

This is option 2.

# From the root of the fuzz-introspector repository
cd tests/simple-example-0

# Run compiler pass to generate .data and .data.yaml files
mkdir work
cd work

# Run script that will build fuzzer with coverage instrumentation and
# extract .profraw files
# and convert those to .covreport files with "llvm-cov show"

# Build fuzz-introspector normally
FUZZ_INTROSPECTOR=1 ../../../build/llvm-build/bin/clang -fsanitize=fuzzer \
  -fuse-ld=gold -flto -g ../fuzzer.c -o fuzzer

# Run post-processing to analyse data files and generate HTML report
python3 ../../../src/ correlate --binaries_dir=.
python3 ../../../src/ report \
  --target_dir=. \

# The post-processing will have generated various .html, .js, .css and .png fies,
# and these are accessible in the current folder. Simply start a webserver and
# navigate to the report in your local browser (localhost:8008):
python3 -m http.server 8008


The Python frontend uses the Abstract Syntax Tree to generate the data needed by Fuzz Introspector. This is in contrast to the LLVM and Java frontends, which both rely on compiled code. The benefit of this is that it is lighter from a user perspective, however, the disadvantage is that there is less information in the AST than in the compiled code.

The easiest way to get started with Fuzz Introspector for Python is to build one of the test cases bundled in the Fuzz Introspector repository. We do this using the following steps starting from the root of the Fuzz Introspector repository:

# Ensure that the Python frontend is in the PYTHONPATH
cd frontends/python/PyCG
cd ../../../

# Build one of the Python examples
cd tests/python/test4
mkdir work
cd work

# Run the frontend on the code to extract data about the software package
python3 ../../../../frontends/python/ \
    --fuzzer $PWD/../ \
cd ..

# Analyse the extract data and generate an HTML report
mkdir web
cd web
python3 ../../../../src/ report \
  --target_dir=$PWD/../work \

# Launch srver to view the generated HTML report
python3 -m http.server 8008


The Java frontend uses the Soot framework for analysing and transforming Java class files (packed in JAR). The analysing and transforming results are generated into data files needed by Fuzz Introspector. This is similar to the LLVM frontends, which also rely on compiled code. As Java contains many library classes included during compile time and run time, there is additional logic in the Java frontend to ignore certain commonly known Java library packages, like packages starting with java. or javax.. This could help reduce the processing time and resources needed for analysing and transforming Java code.

The easiest way to get started with Fuzz Introspector for Java is to build one of the test cases bundled in the Fuzz Introspector repository. We do this using the following steps starting from the root of the Fuzz Introspector repository:

# Build a set of Java examples
# There are a total of 11 test cases named from test1 to test11
# Built result are stored under ./result/testX where testX is the test case name
cd tests/java
mkdir -p result

# Run the frontend on the code to extract data about one of the Java examples
cd ../../frontends/java
./ -j ../../tests/java/test1/test1.jar -c TestFuzzer

# Move the .data and .data.yaml generated by the frontend code to the result directory
cd ../../tests/java
mv ./fuzzer-*.data ./result/test1/
mv ./fuzzer-*.data.yaml ./result/test1/

# Analyse the extract data and generate an HTML report
mkdir web
cd web
python3 ../../../src/ report \

# Launch srver to view the generated HTML report
python3 -m http.server 8008

The script in the second step is a wrapper to build the maven project of the frontend code for Java project. It takes 2 mandatory parameters and 4 optional parameters as shown as follows.

  1. Mandatory parameters

    1. -j, –jarfile

      • Paths of all jar files of the project and its fuzzers and libraries, separated by “:”.

    2. -c, –entryclass

      • List of fuzzers’ entry classes, separated by “:”.

  2. Optional parameters

    1. -m, –entrymethod

      • List of fuzzers’ entry methods within the entry classes, separated by “:”.

      • Default value when this parameter is not provided: “fuzzerTestOneInput”

    2. -e, –excludeprefix

      • List of java package prefixes to be ignored by the frontend code, separated by “:”.

      • Default value when this parameter is not provided: "jdk.*:java.*:javax.*:sun.*:sunw.*:com.sun.***:apple.awt.*: com.code_intelligence.jazzer.*"

    3. -i, –includeprefix

      • List of java package prefixes that must be processed by the frontend code, even if it is excluded by the excludeprefix parameter above. Separated by “:”.

      • Default value when this parameter is not provided: ""

    4. -s, –sinkmethod

      • List of java sink methods that needed to be handled by the frontend code, separated by “:”.

      • Default value when this parameter is not provided: "[java.lang.Runtime].exec:[javax.xml.xpath.XPath].compile:[javax.xml.xpath.XPath].evaluate:[java.lang.Thread].run:[java.lang.Runnable].run:[java.util.concurrent.Executor].execute:[java.util.concurrent.Callable].call:[java.lang.System].console:[java.lang.System].load:[java.lang.System].loadLibrary:[java.lang.System].apLibraryName:[java.lang.System].runFinalization:[java.lang.System].setErr:[java.lang.System].setIn:[java.lang.System].setOut:[java.lang.System].setProperties:[java.lang.System].setProperty:[java.lang.System].setSecurityManager:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].directory:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].inheritIO:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].command:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].redirectError:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].redirectErrorStream:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].redirectInput:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].redirectOutput:[java.lang.ProcessBuilder].start"